September 11, 2023

When DBT (Data Build Tool), a renowned data transformation framework, converges with Mage, it amplifies ETL processes to new heights. This article explores this powerful synergy which facilitates enhanced data modeling, giving businesses a competitive edge. By tapping into this combo, data professionals can supercharge their operations and drive data precision to the forefront.

June 13, 2023

Amazon Redshift is a powerful, scalable data warehousing service within the AWS ecosystem. It excels in handling large datasets with its columnar storage, parallel query execution, and features like Redshift Spectrum and RA3 instances. Redshift's clustered architecture, robust security, and integration with AWS services make it a go-to choice for businesses needing efficient and secure data management solutions.


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Trying out Mage to build ranking models won’t cost a cent.

No need for a credit card to get started. Trying out Mage to build ranking models won’t cost a cent.

 2024 Mage Technologies, Inc.
 2024 Mage Technologies, Inc.