September 19, 2024

The article introduces global data products as a solution for managing and reusing data outputs across multiple data pipelines efficiently. By leveraging global data products, organizations can streamline their data workflows, reduce computational overhead, and maintain up-to-date, consistent data for analysis and decision-making.

August 15, 2024

Prepping data for dimensional models is essential for successful Business Intelligence (BI). From transforming raw data and implementing techniques like Slowly Changing Dimensions (SCD) and snapshots, to ensuring data quality through validation and testing, these steps lay the groundwork for reliable and insightful analytics. Get these steps right, and your dimensional model will be set up to deliver precise, business-focused insights.


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Trying out Mage to build ranking models won’t cost a cent.

No need for a credit card to get started. Trying out Mage to build ranking models won’t cost a cent.

 2024 Mage Technologies, Inc.
 2024 Mage Technologies, Inc.